On Sat, Aug 3, 2013 at 1:11 PM, Nikos Chantziaras <rea...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 03/08/13 06:20, Harry Putnam wrote:
>> Nikos Chantziaras <rea...@gmail.com> writes:
>> [...]
>>>> Unless I hear something that would indicate it will be too crippled
>>>> even for the usage I plan.
>>> You should of course put those USE flags in /etc/portage/package.use
>>> instead of setting them in the command-line, otherwise they won't be
>>> remembered.
>>> But I would go with the defaults anyway.  There is no reason at all
>>> why you should not install 194 packages.
>> Only that this is a smallish install with only 32gb of disk space.
> You would be surprised how little space most packages actually consume once
> installed :-)  For example, my desktop has a full KDE install (*with*
> semantic-desktop), lots of extra packages for developing, graphics editing,
> audio editing, four different browsers with all their deps, etc.  It's a
> multilib system with lots of 32-bit compatibility deps.  In total, that's
> 1381 installed packages.  Total space consumed is 8GB.
> So I'd say try to install it.  If it turns out it takes too much space, it's
> very easy to get rid of all those deps again:

Full GNOME+systemd desktop, plus goodies like LibreOffice and Chromium:

acero ~ # du -sh /usr/bin/
389M /usr/bin/
acero ~ # du -sh /bin/
8.7M /bin/
acero ~ # du -sh /usr/sbin/
32M /usr/sbin/
acero ~ # du -sh /sbin/
6.2M /sbin/
acero ~ # du -sh /usr/lib64/
2.2G /usr/lib64/
acero ~ # du -sh /lib64/
45M /lib64/

2.6 GB in total. Also:

acero ~ # du -sh /usr/share/doc
2.5G /usr/share/doc

You will save much more space by using USE="-doc" (or perhaps even
adding /usr/share/doc to INSTALL_MASK), than by removing potentially
useful functionality.

Canek Peláez Valdés
Posgrado en Ciencia e Ingeniería de la Computación
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

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