On 2013-08-13 16:05, Alessio Ababilov wrote:
> "/usr merge" is the process of making /bin, /sbin, and /lib to be symlinks
> to corresponding directories in /usr. It is done in Fedora and several
> other distros now, and also in Solaris 15 years ago.
> Benefits from /usr merge are described here:
> http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/TheCaseForTheUsrMerge/
> Technical details are here:
> http://aababilov.wordpress.com/2013/07/17/usr-merge-in-gentoo/
> In few words, the script is run once to merge /usr on a running system.
> Also, the script is installed in post_src_install hook to perform /usr
> merge during package updates or installations.

So, how would this work for me who have /usr on a separate harddrive?
And what would be the benefit? To me, mentioning Fedora, makes the alarm
bells go off...

Best regards

Peter K

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