050904 Holly Bostick wrote:
> I'm surprised no one has said,
> "Look in  /var/cache/edb/virtuals , where you will likely see
> that Joe is set as an in-use virtual/editor(s) on your actual system".

Yes, it is, along with Vim Gvim & Nano.  However, (1) that file still lists

  virtual/alsa sys-kernel/gentoo-dev-sources
  virtual/dhcpc net-misc/dhcpcd
  virtual/dev-manager sys-fs/devfsd
  virtual/mpg123 media-sound/mpg123

& (2) it was last updated 050122 .

Re (1), I don't have a sound card & have removed all the sound packages,
so 'alsa' & 'mpg123' should not be listed:
really, sound is not a requirement of any kind for a working system;
I removed Dhcpcd 041114, as it had ceased to be part of 'system';
Devfsd was one of the requirements which caused me to ask the question.

Re (2) & following from (1), the file doesn't seem to be accurate
nor does it seem to be kept upto-date by anything:
the only package I emerged 050122 was Bin86 , needed to handle the MBR.

So thanx for your fresh point, but it really just raised another question.

My basic purpose is to understand how the Gentoo system works
& sometimes -- probably here -- this uncovers strange activities
which have been going on underneath some stone unnoticed by everyone.

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