On 09/21/2013 03:56 PM, Frank Steinmetzger wrote:
> On Sat, Sep 21, 2013 at 01:47:24PM +0300, Alexander Kapshuk wrote:
>> I have both wired and wireless network interfaces configured:
>> box0 log # rc-update show|egrep 'enp3s0|wlp2s0'
>>            net.enp3s0 |      default                
>>            net.wlp2s0 |      default                
>> (1). Is there a way to instruct the system as to which network interface
>> to use, so it doesn't try to bring up the one not intended to be used at
>> boot time:
>> box0 log # egrep 'enp3s0|wlp2s0' messages
>> -------------------------------------------
>> […]
>> /etc/init.d/net.enp3s0[1801]: ERROR: net.enp3s0 failed to start
>> […]
>> /etc/init.d/netmount[2007]: ERROR: cannot start netmount as net.enp3s0 would 
>> not start
>> […]
>> /etc/init.d/sshd[2008]: ERROR: cannot start sshd as net.enp3s0 would not 
>> start
>> […]
>> -------------------------------------------
>> (2). sshd seems to start only if the wired interface is up. How do I
>> tell it start when the wireless interface is running?
>> box0 log # rc-status|egrep 'enp3s0|wlp2s0|sshd'
>>  net.enp3s0                                               [ stopped  ]
>>  net.wlp2s0                                               [ started  ]
>>  sshd                                                     [ stopped  ]
> It seems to me that your problem is that you’re not always connected
> with both interfaces at the same time. In the default configuration,
> network-dependent services only start if all network services are up
> and running. This is most annyoing for laptop users who might not be
> connected at all at times.
> The solution is to not have network services depend on all interfaces.
> Please look at /etc/rc.conf for rc_depend_strict; if you set it to "NO",
> then services are satisfied with any net.* service, even net.lo.
> I suppose there is a way to set up something more fine-tuned in
> /etc/conf.d/net, but that must be explained by someone else as I
> lack that knowledge. ;)
Thanks for your input. I am running gentoo on a laptop, as you have
rightly guessed. It was suggested to me by somebody else on this list
that using Wicd might be a viable option.

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