On 01/10/2013 16:20, Bruce Hill wrote:
> There are 3 (or more) computers which sync (sometimes daily) on my LAN at
> work: server, router, and workstation. server has issues almost all the time
> getting a rsync server (for lack of better way to state it). All three comps
> have the exact same SYNC in make.conf:
> mingdao@server ~ $ grep SYNC /etc/make.conf
> SYNC="rsync://rsync.us.gentoo.org/gentoo-portage"
> mingdao@router ~ $ grep SYNC /etc/portage/make.conf
> SYNC="rsync://rsync.us.gentoo.org/gentoo-portage"
> mingdao@workstation ~ $ grep SYNC /etc/portage/make.conf
> SYNC="rsync://rsync.us.gentoo.org/gentoo-portage"

Most likely obvious cause:

You have outbound firewall rules on your server/router affecting the server.

> When I first noticed, it was that with the same command (alias ud) run on each
> computer, server *always* took a good deal longer than workstation and router.
> Here's the output from the emerge --sync portion of my "ud" alias today:
> alias ud='eix-sync && emerge -aDjuv --changed-use @world && dispatch-conf && 
> emerge -a --depclean && revdep-rebuild -i && clear && exit'
> server ~ # ud
>  * Running emerge --sync
>>>> Synchronization of repository 'gentoo' located in '/usr/portage'...
>>>> Starting rsync with rsync://
>>>> Checking server timestamp ...
> timed out
> rsync error: received SIGINT, SIGTERM, or SIGHUP (code 20) at rsync.c(549) 
> [Receiver=3.0.9]
>>>> Retrying...
>>>> Starting retry 1 of 9 with rsync://
>>>> Checking server timestamp ...
> timed out
> rsync error: received SIGINT, SIGTERM, or SIGHUP (code 20) at rsync.c(549) 
> [Receiver=3.0.9]
>>>> Retrying...
>>>> Starting retry 2 of 9 with rsync://
>>>> Checking server timestamp ...
> timed out
> rsync error: received SIGINT, SIGTERM, or SIGHUP (code 20) at rsync.c(549) 
> [Receiver=3.0.9]
>>>> Retrying...
>>>> Starting retry 3 of 9 with rsync://
>>>> Checking server timestamp ...
> receiving incremental file list
> timestamp.chk
> Number of files: 1
> Number of files transferred: 1
> Total file size: 32 bytes
> Total transferred file size: 32 bytes
> Literal data: 32 bytes
> Matched data: 0 bytes
> File list size: 27
> File list generation time: 0.001 seconds
> File list transfer time: 0.000 seconds
> Total bytes sent: 98
> Total bytes received: 140
> sent 98 bytes  received 140 bytes  158.67 bytes/sec
> total size is 32  speedup is 0.13
> receiving incremental file list
> router ~ # ud
>  * Running emerge --sync
>>>> Synchronization of repository 'gentoo' located in '/usr/portage'...
>>>> Starting rsync with rsync://
>>>> Checking server timestamp ...
>  Welcome! This is a gentoo-portage and CentOS mirror, hosted by 
>  Steadfast Networks!
>  http://steadfast.net
>    Hostname:     mirror.steadfast.net & rsync11.us.gentoo.org
>    IP Addresses: & 2607:f128:1:3::2
>    Location:     Chicago, IL, US
>    Bandwidth:    1000 Mbps
>    Hardware:     Dual Opteron 2212, 8 GB RAM
>    User Limit:   40
>  If you experience any trouble with this mirror, please contact 
>  mir...@steadfast.net.
> receiving incremental file list
> timestamp.chk
> Number of files: 1
> Number of files transferred: 1
> Total file size: 32 bytes
> Total transferred file size: 32 bytes
> Literal data: 32 bytes
> Matched data: 0 bytes
> File list size: 27
> File list generation time: 0.001 seconds
> File list transfer time: 0.000 seconds
> Total bytes sent: 98
> Total bytes received: 570
> sent 98 bytes  received 570 bytes  445.33 bytes/sec
> total size is 32  speedup is 0.05
>  Welcome! This is a gentoo-portage and CentOS mirror, hosted by 
>  Steadfast Networks!
>  http://steadfast.net
>    Hostname:     mirror.steadfast.net & rsync11.us.gentoo.org
>    IP Addresses: & 2607:f128:1:3::2
>    Location:     Chicago, IL, US
>    Bandwidth:    1000 Mbps
>    Hardware:     Dual Opteron 2212, 8 GB RAM
>    User Limit:   40
>  If you experience any trouble with this mirror, please contact 
>  mir...@steadfast.net.
> receiving incremental file list
> workstation ~ # ud
>  * Running emerge --sync
>>>> Synchronization of repository 'gentoo' located in '/usr/portage'...
>>>> Starting rsync with rsync://
>>>> Checking server timestamp ...
> Gentoo Portage/CPAN rsync mirror
> Server: gentoo.llarian.net & cpan.llarian.net
> IP(s): & 2001:5d8:11::13
> Bandwidth: 1000Mbps via multiple carriers
> User Limit: 30
> Location: Seattle, WA, USA
> Admin Contact: Dylan Vanderhoof <llar...@llarian.net>
> receiving incremental file list
> timestamp.chk
> Number of files: 1
> Number of files transferred: 1
> Total file size: 32 bytes
> Total transferred file size: 32 bytes
> Literal data: 32 bytes
> Matched data: 0 bytes
> File list size: 27
> File list generation time: 0.001 seconds
> File list transfer time: 0.000 seconds
> Total bytes sent: 98
> Total bytes received: 392
> sent 98 bytes  received 392 bytes  326.67 bytes/sec
> total size is 32  speedup is 0.07
> Gentoo Portage/CPAN rsync mirror
> Server: gentoo.llarian.net & cpan.llarian.net
> IP(s): & 2001:5d8:11::13
> Bandwidth: 1000Mbps via multiple carriers
> User Limit: 30
> Location: Seattle, WA, USA
> Admin Contact: Dylan Vanderhoof <llar...@llarian.net>
> receiving incremental file list
> Can anyone see something obvious, or tell me where to begin checking or
> something to change?
> Cheers,
> Bruce

Alan McKinnon

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