On 01/10/2013 17:17, Greg Turner wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 7:20 AM, Bruce Hill
> <da...@happypenguincomputers.com> wrote:
>> There are 3 (or more) computers which sync (sometimes daily) on my LAN at
>> work: server, router, and workstation. server has issues almost all the time
>> getting a rsync server (for lack of better way to state it). All three comps
>> have the exact same SYNC in make.conf:
> Seriously?  Your problem is that an incredible build-up of bad karma
> has polluted your network.  You are selfishly and pointlessly wasting
> the rsync.us.gentoo.org mirror network's resources, and your own
> bandwidth as well.
> Run rsyncd somewhere.  Sync the other two systems to it.  If the
> server has problems with outbound connectivity, use the router, I
> guess.
> Rsync mirrors don't grow on trees, man.  People pay good money to
> provide that service to us.  You should seriously be embarrassed to
> have posted this.


Then you can all use mine with the greatest of pleasure:


I have the NetOps team BEGGING me weekly to try and generate more
traffic out of our network going international. The in-out ratio on the
peering links is seriously screwed and they badly want something to even
it out a bit :-)

Alan McKinnon

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