
I've been trying to build a simple firewall with a DMZ for a 
web server.
x.x.x.x is the local single static IP y.y.y.y is the gateway IP.
z.z.z.z is the broadcast.
Outward access is working (ip and dns) Currently the dns servers
I use are the cable modem company's, and they work just fine,
for now. I can download packages and ebuilds just fine. Access
to the mail servers outside the network works just fine.

Note: I have an openbsd firewall with a dmz & web server, and all
works just fine. It's disconnected while I try to get this gentoo
firewall working with the same web server and other lan components.

Following this simple example:

Here's what I did to add a DMZ based web server:

A. (3) ethernet interfaces are setup via ifconfig and are working.

B. /etc/conf.d.net
        I added these lines:
iface_eth0=" broadcast 
iface_eth1=" broadcast 
iface_eth2="x.x.x.x broadcast z.z.z.z 
routes_eth2=( "default gw y.y.y.y" )

C. and here's the IP tables portion:
Start with ' iptables -F'  and 'iptables -t nat -F'

 export LAN=eth0
  export DMZ=eth1
  export WAN=eth2
  iptables -I INPUT 1 -i ${LAN} -j ACCEPT
  iptables -I INPUT 1 -i lo -j ACCEPT
  iptables -A INPUT -p UDP --dport bootps -i !
       ${LAN} -j REJECT
  iptables -A INPUT -p UDP --dport domain -i !
       ${LAN} -j REJECT
  iptables -A INPUT -p TCP -i ! ${LAN} -d 0/0 
       --dport 0:1023 -j DROP
  iptables -A INPUT -p UDP -i ! ${LAN} -d 0/0 
      --dport 0:1023 -j DROP
  iptables -I FORWARD -i ${LAN} -d -j DROP
  iptables -A FORWARD -i ${LAN} -s -j ACCEPT
  iptables -A FORWARD -i ${WAN} -d -j ACCEPT
  iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o 
      ${WAN} -j MASQUERADE
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp 
      --dport 80 -i ${WAN} -j DNAT --to

D. Next:
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
  for f in /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/*/rp_filter ;
        do echo 1 > $f ; done

E. And finishing with:
  /etc/init.d/iptables save  
  rc-update add iptables default
  vi /etc/sysctl.conf
Add/Uncomment the following lines:
net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1
net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter = 1

Step C: Qestion 1:

The rule I added:
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp 
      --dport 80 -i ${WAN} -j DNAT --to

Does not give access to the web server, either from the outside
internet, nor from the interlan lan. Can somebody fix the rule
or tell me what I've done wrong or what is additionally needed?

Here are the error messages:
Warning: wierd character in interface `-j' (No aliases, :, ! or *).
Bad argument `DNAT'

Question 2:
Where are the config files, built by iptables (filter, nat,
and is it OK to just edit these manually, trying various rules
and testing the results? Any other files to edit directly?

I've read about shorewall, but I prefer to
directly edit these files (and any others I have missed) directly
while I learn/test the features of iptables/netfilter. Shorewall
or any other gui, is for later, when I've develop a 
certain confidence
via understanding how iptables/netfilter works.

This is only a simple network, I'm setting up to mostly to 
learn about
iptables/netfilter. Any help or comments is appreciated. I intend
to slowly add features and rules and to test along the way, as 
to satisfy my
curiousity while learning firewalling on linux based systems.


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