Hi Gentoo-users,
I noticed strange message during boot-up of one of my servers:

* Bringing up interface lo
* ...                                        [ok]
*   Adding routes
* via ...                        [ok]
* Activating additional swap space ...                     [ok]
* setting up tmpfiles.d entries ...                        [ok]
* Initializing random number generator ...                 [ok]
INIT: Entering runlevel: 3
* Starting clamd ...                                       [ok]
* Starting freshclam ...                                   [ok]
* Checking your configfile (/etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf) [ok]
* Starting syslog-ng...
Connection failed; fd='10', server='AF_INET(',
local='AF_INET(', error='Network is unreachable (101)'
Initiating connection failed, reconnecting: time_reopen='60'
* Loading iptables state and starting firewall ...         [ok]
* Bringing up interface enp3s0
* ...                                         [ok]
*   Adding routes
*     default via ...                           [ok]
* Starting saslauthd ...                                   [ok]
* Starting dovecot ...                                     [ok]
* Starting monit ...                                       [ok]

As you see, syslog-ng can not open conection to remote syslog
collector. Reason seems to be quite clear: at the time when
syslog-ng starts, enp3s0 interface is not up (only loopback).
I do not know how this happened, but I think it has something
to do with either sendmail, clamav, or dovecot.

This is boot-up of my other server (syslog-collector) where
neither sendmail nor clamav is installed. As you can see,
boot-up order is correct (network interface before syslog-ng):

* Bringing up interface lo
* ...                                        [ok]
*   Adding routes
* via ...                        [ok]
* Activating additional swap space ...                     [ok]
* setting up tmpfiles.d entries ...                        [ok]
* Initializing random number generator ...                 [ok]
INIT: Entering runlevel: 3
* Loading iptables state and starting firewall ...         [ok]
* Starting monit ...                                       [ok]
* Bringing up interface enp3s0
* ...                                         [ok]
*   Adding routes
*     default via ...                           [ok]
* Mounting network filesystems ...                         [ok]
* Checking your configfile (/etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf) [ok]
* Starting syslog-ng...                                    [ok]
* Starting sshd ...                                        [ok]
* Starting vixie-cron ...                                  [ok]

So how can I fix it on the 1st server, so that syslog-ng starts
after network interface is up?


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