Glenn Enright wrote:
On Wed, 07 Sep 2005 04:40, Mark Knecht wrote:

  The disk layout is like this

(MBR) - Win XP
/dev/hda1 - Win XP
/dev/hda2 - extended partition
/dev/hda5 - /boot
/dev/hda6 - swap
/dev/hda7 - /
/dev/hda8 - /home

grub> root (hd0,4)
grub> setup (hd0)           (Install GRUB in the MBR)
grub> quit

Youve got the right idea, but hd0,4 is the logical holder for your linux partitions, not the boot partition that holds the grub files. So root is your /boot partition, ie hd0,5.

/boot isn't hd0,5, its hd0,1

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