Sascha Lucas wrote:
> emerge -1 --usepkg --pretend --verbose pkg_spec_from_equery
> then the change in USE-Flags are showen and my _correct_ binarys are used.

There's probably a good reason for it being the way it is, but it
doesn't sound as transparent as we might like.

A further interesting scenario might be to have a binary package
available built with different USE flags to those on the target machine,
and seeing if it gets installed or not.  I guess it shouldn't.  But then
there's the CFLAGS issue as well, and I'm even more unsure how that's
supposed to be handled.

I'm still pretty new to Gentoo, but is this perhaps related to the
feature I've read about (and maybe misremembered) regarding only
packages that you explicity emerge going into world (dependencies
don't)?  I wonder if you'd see different results if you explicitly
emerged cups rather than it having been implicity emerged due to a
dependency.  By doing the emerge you described you've 'promoted' those
packages from implicit to explicit emerge.

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