Hi all,

I routinely am logged into a server with multiple consoles (I log in with one (the same) regular user, then su - to root).

This morning I tried to grep roots .bash_history for a command I ran some time ago, and it wasn't there. I know I ran it, so I'd like to configure my bash history so this doesn't happen again.

Thinking about it a bit, the first issue I see is... when I am running multiple consoles, each one having been started by first logging in as my normal user, then su - to root, how does this affect the .bash_history file? It seems like there would be a collision of some kind, maybe result in the last one to log out 'winning' (that .bash_history is the one that is saved/stored) or something?

Maybe... would it be possible to use different regular users, then when each one does the su - to root, have it create a separate .bash_history file based on the original username? That would be perfect.

I was also considering something like setting HISTSIZE=###, then adding something to the logrotate.conf file to start rotating the history file, so I don't lose anything - but I'm not sure if that would even work.

So, I'm interested in how others do this... especially on a system that has multiple users managing it.

Thx... Charles

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