> http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashFAQ/088

The advice here to use awk to "compress" log files seems a bit dated.

Bash now allows you to set in .bashrc:

   export HISTCONTROL=erasedups

I don't know that there's an "ultimate answer" to history management.

Personally, for years I have had my prompt set to show the history number of 
the current command, so I can look up on the screen and just enter !505 to 
reuse a previous comment. I reality, I never use this, but a terminal wouldn't 
feel like a terminal, for me now, without having numbered prompts up the screen.

More practically I tend to use tmux and open new panes for each task or task 
group, keeping task sets short and closing the pane when I've done that little 
job (or sub-job). This allows Bash itself to manage its history more 

If I need to use a previous command and ctrl-R doesn't easily find it, I tend 
to just `history | grep hint` to find it.  

I also set HISTSIZE and HISTFILESIZE to 900, so to maximise the number of 
previous commands available to me by typing only a three digit !321.


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