On 03/02/2014 14:36, Stephen Reynolds wrote:
> Hi all
> I am doing a new Gentoo installation and I cannot get my network cards
> to work. I have two cards
> 1) eth0 =  Realtek RLTl8111e
> 2) wlan0 = RaLink RT2561/RT61
> Gen Kernel hassupport for both. 
> Please advise me as to what steps I can take to fix this?

If you are doing an install, you are probably following the handbook.
The relevant chapter is:


For the folks here to be of much use to you, you'll have to describe
what parts of this process work, what doesn't, and what parts you are
stuck on.

As worded, your question is too vague to answer properly, you haven't
given enough information.

A good start would be the output of lspci, plus a list of which drivers
you enabled in the kernel.

Alan McKinnon

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