On 2014-02-18 4:05 PM, Sebastian Beßler <sebast...@darkmetatron.de> wrote:
First I thought that with systemd I have to use all the things shipped
with systemd like journald (which I don't like because I think that a
binary file for syslogs is just broken) so I looked into the config
files of systemd, deactivated journald and configured logging to rsyslog
instead. And just like journald many (if not most or even all, I'm still
at the surface of systemd configuration) of the new and ugly tools can
be replaced by the good old tools we like and love.

Thanks Sebastian.

I had pretty much come to this same conclusion without even having tried systemd yet.

This, combined with the new knowledge that it is relatively trivial to allow peaceful co-existence for systemd users through the use of profiles, and that these would need to be created and maintained by those who want or need the equivalent systemd version of any given profile, now boils down to one last thing...

Getting the Gentoo Council behind this idea, and providing an officially supported - or maybe a better term is *mandated* - process whereby systemd proponents can create and then maintain new systemd versions of any existing profiles.

I guess maybe it is time to go open a bug about this?

I would be happy to do this, but maybe it would be better if someone who has much more knowledge of the inner workings of the Gentoo Council and whatever process governs things like this to do it?

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