On Wed, Feb 19, 2014 at 7:57 AM, Tanstaafl <tansta...@libertytrek.org> wrote:
> On 2014-02-18 4:05 PM, Sebastian Beßler <sebast...@darkmetatron.de> wrote:
>> First I thought that with systemd I have to use all the things shipped
>> with systemd like journald (which I don't like because I think that a
>> binary file for syslogs is just broken) so I looked into the config
>> files of systemd, deactivated journald and configured logging to rsyslog
>> instead. And just like journald many (if not most or even all, I'm still
>> at the surface of systemd configuration) of the new and ugly tools can
>> be replaced by the good old tools we like and love.
> Thanks Sebastian.
> I had pretty much come to this same conclusion without even having tried
> systemd yet.
> This, combined with the new knowledge that it is relatively trivial to allow
> peaceful co-existence for systemd users through the use of profiles, and
> that these would need to be created and maintained by those who want or need
> the equivalent systemd version of any given profile, now boils down to one
> last thing...
> Getting the Gentoo Council behind this idea, and providing an officially
> supported - or maybe a better term is *mandated* - process whereby systemd
> proponents can create and then maintain new systemd versions of any existing
> profiles.

Just jumping in here as one of Gentoo's systemd maintainers: There is
no point in creating a second set of profiles just for systemd.
Profiles do not perform any magic; they just set/mask use flags and
set default values for some other ebuild variables.

The reason we do not have a full set of "systemd profiles" is because
they would serve no useful purpose; there is simply nothing to be
gained from creating them.

If I wanted to switch from systemd back openrc at this very moment, I
would do the following:

1. Unset the systemd use flag.
2. Replace sys-apps/systemd with sys-fs/udev (optional).
3. Run emerge -uDNav world

Having a separate profile does not make that process any easier.

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