Am Sun, 30 Mar 2014 13:07:22 +0200
schrieb "Stefan G. Weichinger" <>:

> Does anyone already successfully run gentoo-sources-3.13.7 with
> nvidia-drivers?

I do.

> If yes, which version does work?

The newest: gentoo-sources-3.13.7 and nvidia-drivers-334.21-r1.

I've installed nvidia-drivers with USE="X acpi multilib tools uvm

Had to add the USE flag uvm to get it working. And I reconfigured acpi
in the kernel config. But I had some acpi features in my kernel I
didn't need for my hardware anyway, which I removed. I don't know if
this was necessary for nvidia-drivers to get working.

As framebuffer driver I've compiled the kernel with CONFIG_FB_VESA=y.

The USE flag multililb is, of course, only necessary if you need it.


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