On Mon, May 19, 2014 at 12:23:53PM +0200, David Haller wrote

> emerge terminus-font
> might help. E.g.: setfont ter-132n. But that seems to need a
> framebuffer, but you seem to have that ;)
> I like default8x16 better though. At least at vga=normal which gives
> me a nice 80x25 terminal ;)

  I now have 80x25 consolemode on the notebook.  Thanks for that info.
My next goal is 80x40 etc.

> >* Plan B) is there free software around that can modify/tweak the
> >          regular fonts to double their width?
> emerge psftools
> man -k psf

  Not really what I was looking for.  It simply converts between
different machine formats.  I went to the project homepage at
http://www.seasip.info/Unix/PSF/ looking for more info.  I noticed a
pointer to the PSF file format at...
http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/kbd/font-formats-1.html   I'll take a
crack at writing a "consolefont magnify" utility.  What I want to do is
magnify lat1-08, lat1-10, lat1-12, lat1-14, and lat1-16 vertically and
horizontally.  The simplest approach will be to magnify by a factor of
2 or 3.  Since the fonts were originally for a 640 pixel-wide screen,
that would would work on my notebook (640 * 2 = 1280) and on my 24"
desktop monitor (640 * 3 = 1920).

Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org>
I don't run "desktop environments"; I run useful applications

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