
I use zsh and have quite perfect completion setup with it. There is just one 
very annoying feature that I have failed to switch off. With paths when I type 

cd /archives/NE <tab>

zsh produces:

cd /achieves2/NEW/

The archives directory does not contain NEW directory and archives2 does. I 
would want that zsh wouldn't modify anything but the current level path I'm 
writing. So in this case it should of shown empty cuz there are no options to 
choose from. 

This happens of course with any similar directory case. The annoyance is that I 
know where I'm going and the right NEW directory in this case is under 
/archives/movies/NEW and not the one under /archives2/. So I have to clear some 
of the text which is slow :(

Would anyone know how to correct this¿? I have tried various options of 
approximation... Actually I don't like the approximation at all and have tried 
to fully disable it...


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