On Wed, Jun 25, 2014 at 08:15:57AM -0500, Dale wrote:

> > 33 power cycles seem very low but further down we see the power on time
> > is just under two years which is also erring towards the lighter side of
> > the mtbf
> About the only time I shutdown is when the power fails.  My puter only
> pulls about 150 watts so I just leave it running 24/7.

Gosh, power must be really cheap in your corner of the world (or is it just
stupidly expensive over here?) I wouldn’t call 150 W “only”, especially for
a 24/7 device. Or is that the maximum under load?

Right now I have a Pentium 4 3 GHz heater sitting under the desk -- I got it
last year for free from a company that had written it off. It idles at 95 W
and reaches around 130 (or was it 150) under load. When I sit at the desk, I
notice the warm air rising from underneath because over time it dries up my
eyes. ^^
Add to that an old 17″ CCFL monitor (25 W) and consider my use scheme,
that’s almost 1 kWh per day (don’t know exact prices, but 1 kWh costs around
25-30¢ right now).

I am so looking forward to the new machine I’m going to build in very few
months. Haswell idles at under 20 W. 8-)
(I know: today’s power requirement to manufacture chips is also ridonculous,
too, but considering all other benefits and my usual consumption behavior
over the years, I have a clean concience *g*)
Gruß | Greetings | Qapla’
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“Oh, gravity, thou art a heartless bitch.” – Dr. Sheldon Cooper

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