On 16 July 2014 18:46:16 CEST, galiza.ce...@gmail.com wrote:
>"J. Roeleveld" <jo...@antarean.org> writes:
>> On Monday, July 14, 2014 12:46:48 PM Neil Bothwick wrote:
>>> I actually have it send an alert to my phone with Posterous but you
>> can
>>> do whatever you want.
>> Which "Posterous" is this?
>> When I google it, I only get information that it actually got shut
>> down after being bought by Twitter.
>> I am looking for a cheap method to get notifications to my mobile
>> phone. I used to use a free SMS service via a company in SA.
>Maybe Telegram[1] fits your needs. You'd need:
>- The appropriate client on the phone side.
>- Telegram CLI [2] on the computer.
>- A little shell script, such as (usage: script USER MESSAGE)
>  #!/bin/sh
>  /path/to/telegram -B -k /path/to/tg.pub <<AAA
>  msg $1 $2
>  safe_quit
>  AAA
>You could also send logfiles (^msg^send_text, $2 being the path to text
>  file)
>[1] http://www.telegram.org
>[2] https://github.com/vysheng/tg
>> --

This and pushover look interesting.

But I also need something that doesn't require a data connection.
I am occasionally in places with bad reception and SMS is often still usable. 
Never mind the cost of maintaining a data connection while roaming. (Receiving 
SMS is free in any country I care to visit with my contract)

I don't mind paying for the service. But it needs to be affordable.

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

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