Mick wrote:
> On Wednesday 16 Jul 2014 18:26:39 Dale wrote:
>> If I can install something as a binary and then get a clean emerge -e
>> system/world out of it, I think it would be OK.  Thing is, I'm concerned
>> something is amiss with the stage3 tarball.  If that is the case, I want
>> to inform the person that overseas that so it can be fixed.  Installing
>> Gentoo is hard enough for someone seasoned but would be a nightmare for
>> someone new to Gentoo.
>> Now to figure out what is the root problem on this thing.
> I believe that you used MAKEOPTS="-j3", can you try with "-j1"?  I seem to 
> recall some random glibc failure which for me was fixed with -j1, but I can't 
> recall anything about not liking the kernel when it was doing its checks.  
> That's a few years back now.

Heck, I'll give that a shot.  It's not like it is going to blow smoke or
anything.  Heck, maybe it will work.  ;-)


:-)  :-) 

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