
Up-front disclaimer: Mostly [OT] post. But at least I'll test drive it
on Gentoo before putting it in production :-)

New job, new environment. Existing persons suffer from
5-year-old-with-a-hammer syndrome and assume cron is the solution to all
ills. Result: a towering edifice of cron jobs that may or may not
clobber each other's work, may or may not work at all, and implement no
error handling at all. But my god, can they spew out mail from STOUT

But cron has only one event trigger: wall-clock time. And it's a very
blunt weapon. I'm looking for recommendations of alternative schedulers
that satisfy real-world business needs that need some other event
trigger than what the time is right now.

For those familiar with it, I'm looking for something with the useful
feature set, without the useless features and without the price tag of

Anyone care to share experiences?

Alan McKinnon

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