On Friday, August 01, 2014 12:26:59 PM Philip Webb wrote:
> 140731 Walter Dnes wrote:
> > On Thu, Jul 31, 2014 at 10:47:29AM +0200, Volker Armin Hemmann 
> > When reading pdf files, one expects images, so tiff and jpeg are
> > reasonable flags.  One does *NOT* expect audio stuff like phonon.
> > And phonon *DEMANDS SOMETHING*.  vlc is one of the options that 
> > phonon's demands.  Or you could choose gstreamer and its gazillion
> > plugins.
> Not quite (smile) ! -- I ran into this & sent bugs to Gentoo + KDE ;
> the outcome was that I discovered that Phonon doesn't in fact demand
> that you install the actual sound software :
> it works to do 'USE="gstreamer" --nodeps emerge phonon'
> & Kdelibs then compiles successfully as well.
> If you compile KDE outside Portage, there's a "nosound" flag,
> but the Gentoo devs have implemented that to require 
> perhaps knowing that it cb happily ignored via '--nodeps'.
> Just don't expect this to be documented anywere (grimace).

Do you still have the bug numbers for this?
I have a few machines without any sound support. If I can remove the 
entire sound system from it, it would save time during the updates.


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