On Sun, 31 Aug 2014 12:06:49 -0600
Joseph <syscon...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I've re-run the setup but it still doesn't work.
> df -h
> /dev/sda1       3.8G  190M  3.6G   5% /run/media/joseph/4GB_ysa
> /dev/sda1 *     2048   7864319 3931136   b W95 FAT32
> while usb not mounted:
> dd if=/usr/share/syslinux/mbr.bin of=/dev/sda
> 0+1 records in
> 0+1 records out
> 440 bytes (440 B) copied, 0.00121707 s, 362 kB/s
> While usb mounted:
> cp -r /mnt/cdrom/* /run/media/joseph/4GB_ysa
> mv /run/media/joseph/4GB_ysa/isolinux/* /run/media/joseph/4GB_ysa
> mv /run/media/joseph/4GB_ysa/isolinux.cfg 
> /run/media/joseph/4GB_ysa/syslinux.cfg
> rm -rf /run/media/joseph/4GB_ysa/isolinux*
> mv /run/media/joseph/4GB_ysa/memtest86 /run/media/joseph/4GB_ysa/memtest
> sed -i -e "s:cdroot:cdroot slowusb:" -e "s:kernel memtest86:kernel
> memtest:" /run/media/joseph/4GB_ysa/syslinux.cfg
> umount /run/media/joseph/4GB_ysa syslinux /dev/sda1
> Does the "dd if=/usr/share/syslinux/mbr.bin of=/dev/sda"
> has to be run when USB is mounted or unmounted?
Joseph, I am assuming you are trying to create an install disk? If so,
you shouldn't have to do all these steps. I normally just download the
minimal install ISO and write it to a USB drive with the following

# dd if=/path/to/minimal-install.iso of=/path/to/usb-drive bs=4096
# sync

You don't have to mount the USB drive. Use sync to ensure that all the
data has actually been written to the device before you remove it.

I have run across problems with some ISO files that don't play nice
with this method, but this one seems to work well with the Gentoo
minimal CD. Also, keep in mind that you don't really need to have the
Gentoo install disc to install Gentoo. It's certainly EASIER to follow
the handbook when you have the minimal install disc, but just about any
Linux live CD will work as long as the architecture matches (chroot
from x86 to amd64, for example, will not work). Anyway, if this is not
what you are trying to do, maybe you can give us more details.
Will Tomlinson

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