On Sunday, August 31, 2014 08:06:46 PM Joseph wrote:
> On 08/31/14 20:55, Will Tomlinson wrote:
> >On Sun, 31 Aug 2014 12:06:49 -0600
> >
> >Joseph <syscon...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> I've re-run the setup but it still doesn't work.
> >> 
> >> df -h
> >> /dev/sda1       3.8G  190M  3.6G   5% /run/media/joseph/4GB_ysa
> >> 
> >> /dev/sda1 *     2048   7864319 3931136   b W95 FAT32

Which command did you use to create the filesystem?

> >> while usb not mounted:
> >> 
> >> dd if=/usr/share/syslinux/mbr.bin of=/dev/sda
> >> 0+1 records in
> >> 0+1 records out
> >> 440 bytes (440 B) copied, 0.00121707 s, 362 kB/s
> >> 
> >> While usb mounted:

Which command do you use to mount?


> >
> >Joseph, I am assuming you are trying to create an install disk? If so,
> >you shouldn't have to do all these steps. I normally just download the
> >minimal install ISO and write it to a USB drive with the following
> >commands:
> >
> ># dd if=/path/to/minimal-install.iso of=/path/to/usb-drive bs=4096
> ># sync
> >
> >You don't have to mount the USB drive. Use sync to ensure that all the
> >data has actually been written to the device before you remove it.
> >
> >I have run across problems with some ISO files that don't play nice
> >with this method, but this one seems to work well with the Gentoo
> >minimal CD. Also, keep in mind that you don't really need to have the
> >Gentoo install disc to install Gentoo. It's certainly EASIER to follow
> >the handbook when you have the minimal install disc, but just about any
> >Linux live CD will work as long as the architecture matches (chroot
> >from x86 to amd64, for example, will not work). Anyway, if this is not
> >what you are trying to do, maybe you can give us more details.
> I run it on 1MB USB stick, it did not work:
> dd if=/path/to/minimal-install.iso of=/path/to/usb-drive bs=4096
> sync
> I think the "dd" will work with LiveDVD but not liveCD.

Why not use unetbootin?


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