James wrote:
> Joseph <syscon780 <at> gmail.com> writes:
>> Thank you for the information.
>> I'll continue on Monday and let you know.  If it will not boot with sector
> starting at 2048, I will
>> re-partition /boot sda1 to start at 63.
> Take some time to research and reflect on your needs (desires?)
> about which file system to use. (ext 2,4) is always popular and safe.
> Some are very happy with BTRFS and there are many other interesting
> choices (ZFS, XFS, etc etc)......
> There is no best solution; but the EXT family offers tried and proven
> options. YMMV.
> hth,
> James

I'm not sure if it is ZFS or XFS but I seem to recall one of those does
not like sudden shutdowns, such as a power failure.  Maybe that has
changed since I last tried whichever one it is that has that issue.  If
you have a UPS tho, shouldn't be so much of a problem, unless your power
supply goes out. 

Just a little heads up in case it matters. 

Oh, I use ext2 for /boot and ext4 for everything else, some of that on
top of LVM.  I switched from reiserfs a good while back, bit rot.  So
far, I been really pleased with ext4. 


:-)  :-) 

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