On Sat, Sep 6, 2014 at 4:54 PM, Kerin Millar <kerfra...@fastmail.co.uk> wrote:
> From reading the XFS list and my own experience, I have formed the
> opinion that the maintainers are more stringent in matters of QA and
> regression testing and more mature in matters of public debate.

That doesn't surprise me.  One of the best tools for QA testing any
filesystem is xfs_test, which was, as is obvious from the name,
developed to stress xfs.  I know the btrfs devs use it heavily, though
it doesn't test all the more modern features of btrfs like
snapshotting, reflinks, send/receive, and so on.

I know the whole lkml debate about data=ordered didn't thrill me all
that much.  I'm a firm believer that no filesystem should eat your
data if it doesn't cleanly unmount.  I don't have a problem with
losing the last n seconds of changes because of write caching.  What I
do have a problem with is when after a crash a file contains something
other than the previous contents or the new contents, especially if a
failed append to a file ends up zeroing out the whole file or some
nonsense like that.

> It is also one of the few filesystems besides ZFS that can dynamically
> allocate inodes.

FWIW, btrfs also dynamically allocates inodes.  ZFS and btrfs are
fairly comparable in terms of capabilities, with each now having a few
features the other lacks.  Btrfs is definitely less mature though.


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