On 28/08/14 21:45, Joseph wrote:
I need to select 500GB or 1TB infernal 2.5in drive, any recommendation
(reliability) of the brand.
My current WD 320GB fail after 5-years.

Go Samsung actually made by Samsung in Korea or if you can get Hitachi actually made by Hitachi in Japan. Western Digital and Seagate come out of the same plants in Thailand and Indonesia and don't last.

I had a 14 year old Toshiba Laptop with a Toshiba disk, The disk died after 14 month when the warranty has expired. Replaced it with Samsung disk. The Laptop was used until very recently 24/7 as mail and web server with buld in UPS (battery) until the screen and keyboard died. The Samsung disk is still alive and well as a plugin backup for the replacement Laptop server.

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