On 09/16/14 14:18, James wrote:
Joseph <syscon780 <at> gmail.com> writes:

After recent emerge I get few blockers, that I don't know what to do
with it My box has not been updated for 3-months :-/


The problems with  perl updates are not new. It was discussed on this
list quite a bit the last few months. If your update cycle is more than
a few weeks, you are going to miss the relevant discussions on gentoo-user
that solve most of your issues; so maybe update your system weekly_ish?
(and browse gentoo-user).

emerge: there are no ebuilds to satisfy "dev-lang/python:3.1".

" eselect  python list "

will show your current active version of python. Most all (stable) systems
have a version 2 (2.7) and version 3 (3.3) installed. I'm not
sure why your system did not upgrade 3.1 to 3.3, during the course
of routine upgrades. Also run:


after compiling new or removing old version of
python. python is system *critical* so be cautious when performing
install/removal admin tasks on python.


Good suggestion.
# eselect python list
# eselect python set (put number for python:3.3)
# emerge -C dev-lang/python:3.1
# python updater

solved all the problems.
I was at python:3.3 but for some reason or another (mostly my fault) I did not 
unmerged python:3.1

When it comes to upgrading be-weekly maybe but from my experience, when I was doing it more often, occasionally, I ended up with a broken system that was caused by new packages. I have 4-boxes at home and two boxes at a remote location. So the boxes at home get upgraded first, I wait a week, just to make sure every program works and then I upgrade one box on a remote location, wait one week again and upgrade the second box (the backup) in the remote location. So doing it even every second week would be too often for this routine. The boxes are "rsync" to one local box.


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