Am Sonntag, 5. Oktober 2014, 18:59:31 schrieb Volker Armin Hemmann:
> Am 05.10.2014 um 18:27 schrieb Alan McKinnon:
> > On 05/10/2014 17:50, Michael Palimaka wrote:ystem all that much.
> > 
> > My real beef is with akonadi and kdepim. I could never get the damn
> > thing to actually work or to tell me what it was doing in a manner I
> > could understand. The last straw was around KDE-4.4 when the importer
> > managed to destroy my entire mail store and leave me with nothing, so I
> > switched to claws and several years later switched again to Thunderbird.
> or even better: akonadi eating 10 years and 100 000+ archived emails.
> But the gains were there - search became slower, if it worked at all and
> all filters broke - several times.

I can't really count how many times i simply deleted all the .config/akonadi 
and .local/akonadi stuff - and let akonadi regenerate it, simply because i 
deeply believed in the whole crap getting better! It never got better... 

Currently i can live with all that stuff, simply by disabling all nepomuk- and 
akonadi-stuff and waiting for it to show all my mails again... 

Funny: My wife has a second account with exactly the same settings and is 
deeply annoyed by the permanent popups telling her that the balloo-indexer has 
closed... Indeed she has disabled it!!! So i have to kill that shit every 

Most annoying story in the last time: KdePIM 4.10 simply stopped working with 
my private Courier-IMAP-Server, telling everyone, that courier has a bug... 
Ok, maybe, but it worked since every Version and just stopped because one ore 
more developers simply decided to do things "right"!!!

No Problem in Gentoo, simply mask and downgrade kdepim-meta... I had more 
problems at work with Kubuntu! With KDE4.10.1 everything works as expected...

But this is just a gnome-like-behavior... The developers simply don't really 
care what the users want or need... i really never heard of anybody saying: Oh 
that search stuff is cool! I use it regularily! 

And to go deeper: Why don't they store documents in a database, that is better 
optimized for documents... MongoDB? CouchDB? Instead they use this shitty 
mixture of MySQL and Virtuoso!? WTF? 

jens reinemuth 
leonhard-eckel-siedlung 4
d-67483 edesheim
mobil:  +49.(0)176.63613420

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