I heard about qwinff in a linux podcast and I'm happy I decided to try it.

It's not in portage or layman, but installing it is so trivial I'll describe
how I did it:

Download the source file here:
by clicking the "Download ZIP" button on the right side of the web page.

Unzip the file in /usr/local/src (or wherever you keep source code). 
Assuming you're doing this as root:

#mkdir /usr/local/src  (if it doesn't exist)

#cd /usr/local/src

#unzip <wherever-you-put-it>/qwinff-master.zip (the source file you downloaded) 

#cd qwinff-master/

#make PREFIX=/usr/local USE_LIBNOTIFY=1     (read the file "INSTALL.txt")

#make PREFIX=/usr/local install

If all goes well you should be able to run qwinff from a bash prompt, or add
a custom menu item using the file "qwinff.desktop", which is installed by the
qwinff package.

If you see compile errors about undefined symbols or missing headers then you'll
need to emerge the appropriate qt packages from portage.  I got no compile 
because I already had all the qt packages installed for other purposes.

(BTW this is not a kde app.  You need only the qt packages to run it on gnome
or any other DE (or on *no* DE if you're my evil twin Walter ;)

Ask if you need help. IMO it's worth your trouble if you convert video files
to other formats  :)

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