On 23/12/14 23:28, Stefan G. Weichinger wrote:
> Am 23.12.2014 um 16:25 schrieb Tomas Mozes:
>> I tried the filesystem with kernel 3.7 a year ago (to export distfiles
>> to several machines). Since it's kernel based a bug caused my system to
>> reboot and sadly it was a database. However the project mentioned that
>> the filesystem wasn't production ready that time. Never tried the object
>> storage though.
> cephfs still is mentioned as kind of beta in most of the talks I saw on
> youtube.
> I am going to try the object store ... and I am interested in using it
> with qemu/kvm.
> S

Tried that (qemu/kvm mostly gentoo VM's up to 64G) ... gave up as it was
too slow/unstable with the hardware I had.

You need a 10G network and a much larger number of hosts than 3 to do
serious I/O.  I do think its something that is only practical with a
datacentre sized installation.

Using it for VM images was very slow and unstable - I did use btrfs
under it and not xfs (the recommended for production?) - moved to pure
btrfs and its is SO much better :)

Rebuilding it every few weeks and having to keep backups of a couple of
terrabytes of disposable data because rebuilding was so slow was the
last straw ...

What I would like (and what I was looking at ceph to do) was a
distributable (across a relatively slow WAN) synced file system that
placed only data in use close to the host using it - will have to get
back to it one day.

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