behrouz khosravi wrote:
> Hi. I wanted to install plasma 5 on my laptop, but I encountered a lot
> of problems regarding dependencies, masking and other stuff.
> Since I felt a little stubbornness in myself, and didn't want to back
> off !
> I took another approach. I checked that what packages will be installed.
> After that I removed the qt4 and installed all of the required qt5
> packages from qt-5.4.0 one by one and using the specific version.
> After that I did the same with qt-framework packages and so on.
> I think that this is generally a bad idea, because the it makes the
> World set much bigger.
> However I am wondering what will happen when the tree updates?
> I mean for examples when another version of qt5 comes out, portage
> will try to update it ?
> thanks.

I think you can edit the world file and make the qt packages look
something like this:


Basically, remove the specific version and just tell it you want the 5
slot.  Then when something new comes out, it should upgrade.  Of course,
those versions will either have to be stable or in the needed
keyword/unmask file. 

Just a thought.  Someone else may have a even better idea/plan. 


:-)  :-) 

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