On Sun, 11 January 2015, at 2:26 am, behrouz khosravi <bz.khosr...@gmail.com> 
> After that I … installed all of the required qt5 packages from qt-5.4.0 one 
> by one and using the specific version.
> After that I did the same with qt-framework packages and so on.

This is fine, if you use `emerge -1`. That installs the package (thus 
fulfilling the dependency) without adding to the world file. 

If you specify the package version and emerge without the `--oneshot` flag, 
then the package version will be added to the world file, and thus the package 
version will be "pinned", and be a problem during updates.

> I think that this is generally a bad idea, because the it makes the World set 
> much bigger.
> However I am wondering what will happen when the tree updates?

I would edit your world file with a text editor and remove these packages. They 
will still remain on your system, and they will still fulfil the Plasma's 


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