On 22 January 2015 at 01:54, Andreas K. Huettel <dilfri...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> Am Mittwoch 21 Januar 2015, 20:36:55 schrieb Sam Bishop:
>> So I've been thinking crazy thoughts.
>> Theoretically it can't be that hard to do a complete package binhost for
>> gentoo.
>> To be clear, when i say complete, Im referring to building, all
>> versions of all ebuilds marked stable or unstable on amd64, with every
>> combination of use flags.
> Not enough. You will also have to build against every combination of
> dependency subslots.
> e.g., different poppler, boost, icu, perl and many more versions...
> Which makes the task near impossible.

Not impossible, just more computationally demanding and requiring more
storage. As I mentioned in another post, its not the task of building
and storing all these I think will be the problem. Its can
portage/emerge handle this? Is the current implementation of binhost
inadequate to deal with such a massive binhost, would it require new
utilities or code or a new version of the binhost metadata format.
These are the kinds of things I feel make it challenging, not the
simple demand for compute and storage. Those are a rather moot point
when S3 is pennies a gigabyte and an AWS spot instance powered compile
farm can be obtained relatively cheaply and if gifted to the Gentoo
community even run at discount prices.

> --
> Andreas K. Huettel
> Gentoo Linux developer
> kde, council

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