
for my embedded systems I use gentoo. Their "harddisk"s are simple

When updateing or emerging especially the "Calculation
dependencies..." is a step which needs a lot of patience of the
user (me ;).

Is there any way to make it faster or (in other words): Are there
different ways to "Calculating dependencies..." and have only chossen
the slowest one...?

What can I do to spped it up?

Best regards,

PS: This is ***NO*** complain against Gentoo, the emerge-process or
any other implizit or explizit critism!!!
I *love* Gentoo -- thats why I am using it even for my embedded

PPS: Yes, I know of crosscompiling and other way to do the hard work
on another machine. I screwed up my systems more than once in the past
with my attempts to get that working. I want to natively compile on
the embedded systems therefore.

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