Am 28.01.2015 um 00:28 schrieb walt:
> Yesterday I installed 4GB more of RAM in this machine for a total of 8GB, and
> the machine soon began random segfaulting and even a kernel crash or two, so
> obviously I suspected the new RAM was faulty.
> I let memtest86+ run overnight and it found zero memory errors. Today I
> exchanged the new RAM anyway and got a different brand this time, and
> that fixed the problem.
> My question is why didn't memtest86+ find any errors?  Could it be that the
> first RAM I bought was actually okay but this machine didn't like it for some
> reason?  Both were DDR3/1333MHz, just from different manufacturers.

Since this was not mentioned yet:

Maybe because the ram was not faulty at all.

Maybe it really operated in the range of allowed tolerances - and those
were never crossed with memtest as a very light system load.

But with an OS booted, the CPU, graphics solution, harddisks all sucking
power like mad, your mainboard or PSU might not be able to deliver as
stable currents as the specifications demand. Some memory is more
tolerant than other.

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