On 16/02/15 22:51, gottl...@nyu.edu wrote:
I apologize in advance for this off topic query.

I took a video with my phone (galaxy note 4) and via google+ uploaded it
to my mail laptop.  It is an mp4 and plays fine on both the phone and
the labtop except that it is sideways.

I was surprised that neither the player on the phone nor the player on
the laptop (totem, I run gnome) seems to offer a rotation option.

Am I missing a slightly hidden option or do I need another program.
I do not do video editing and do no plan to in the near future.

You can change the metadata of the mp4 file without re-encoding it. This requires that the player you play the video in actually respects that metadata though! mplayer and mpv respect it. Your phone's player might not.

You need ffmpeg for this (media-video/ffmpeg).

  ffmpeg -i yourvideo.mp4 -c copy -metadata:s:v:0 rotate=90 output.mp4

This tells media players to rotate the video 90 degrees clockwise. If you want to rotate 90 degrees counter-clockwise, use "rotate=270" instead.

I don't know what the command is if you're using libav instead, but I suspect it has to be something similar.

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