On Wed, Mar 04, 2015 at 03:10:40PM +0000, James wrote:

> I'd like to be  able to download some open source linux to the router
> hardware if updates and pathces are not maintained by the vendor?
> That way I do not purchase something that is to be abandoned in
> a few years by the vendor.
> It's just a small home/office so 3x100Mb E would be fine, but GigE
> ports would be better. I'm flexible on the CPU/arch of the hardware,
> so all discussion and suggestions are welcome. In an idealized world
> I'd pay extra for a gentoo_derivative based router; but all I find
> is the WRT, devil_linux and such, nothing really cool and interesting.

For the hardware, you could get a alix2d3:

For the distribution, I'd recommend Alpine:

That's the combo I used in a recent past and it worked quiet fine
(802.1q VLAN, traffic shaping with tc, advanced firewall with scripted
iptables rules, ethernet cards controlled with ethtool (I could fix
speed/duplex for incompatible network hardware), ssh, etc).

While there is no wifi I found this MUCH better than WRT54GL, for

Nicolas Sebrecht

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