On Wed, Mar 11, 2015 at 5:18 PM, Fernando Rodriguez
<frodriguez.develo...@outlook.com> wrote:
> On Wednesday, March 11, 2015 4:15:53 PM Tom H wrote:
>> I've never used nmcli except to get ip information (see below) but
>> setting up NM without a gui is simple.
>> This is my home wifi setup:
>> # cat /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/thsky
>> [connection]
>> id=thsky
>> uuid=e03d75e4-043a-4276-bf03-3995270ec891
>> type=802-11-wireless
>> [802-11-wireless]
>> ssid=myssidname
>> mode=infrastructure
>> security=802-11-wireless-security
>> [802-11-wireless-security]
>> key-mgmt=wpa-psk
>> psk=myssidpassword
>> [ipv4]
>> method=manual
>> address1=,
>> dns=
>> [ipv6]
>> method=link-local
> Did you find that documented somewhere or did you use an UI to create the file
> originally? What about when you need one of the many features that this simple
> example doesn't cover (like permissions)? what is the guid? It is hard.

I first started creating these connections by reading a page on
freedesktop.org that had the same info as what you now get with "man
nm-settings". The latter might even have existed at the time...

I haven't tested this in a while but in the past you needed one of id and uuid.

The uuid is easily generated with "uuidgen".

> When I started using NetworkManager I had hell trying to modify that file
> manually because plasma-nm ask for root password when modifying system wide
> connections but it doesn't save the changes (the solution was to run nm-
> connection-editor manually as root). The same applies to nmtui and it only
> covers a few options. I don't remember exactly what needed to be changed in
> the file but it wasn't intuitive.

There's a famous rant by Linus about having to provide the root
password in order to join a network.

I've never used KDE so I have no idea about which gui applet to use
and how/why settings are saved and I've never used nmtui but I suspect
(unless it was a specific NM bug at the time) that it was a problem
with the polkit settings like Linus' problem.

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