Hi list,

In one of my earlier posts I mentioned I wasn't having any issues with
systemd. Well, I guess I lied, although I didn't know about it at the time.

My laptop works fine, no issues.

My desktop, however, has an issue, but only while rebooting. I use mdadm
to access my IMSM raid, and during the reboot process, the last message
I see is (from memory, so it's not exact):

"Stopping mdmon..."

And it hangs there.

The journal shows this:
-- Reboot --
Mar 18 20:48:42 osoikaze systemd-journal[485]: Journal stopped
Mar 18 20:48:42 osoikaze systemd-shutdown[1]: Sending SIGTERM to
remaining processes...
Mar 18 20:48:41 osoikaze systemd[1]: Shutting down.


mdmon is normally stopped right at the end, so it should be a part of
'Sending SIGTERM to remaining processes'. The Journal stops, then from
what I gather, it hangs on the next one, which is mdmon. I have left it
for a half an hour and it doesn't do anything.

When rebooting:

Mar 18 20:49:39 osoikaze kernel: md/raid10:md126: active with 4 out of 4
Mar 18 20:49:39 osoikaze kernel: md/raid10:md126: not clean -- starting
background reconstruction
Mar 18 20:49:39 osoikaze kernel: md: bind<sdi>
Mar 18 20:49:39 osoikaze kernel: md: bind<sdh>
Mar 18 20:49:39 osoikaze kernel: md: bind<sdg>
Mar 18 20:49:39 osoikaze kernel: md: bind<sdf>
Mar 18 20:49:39 osoikaze kernel: md: bind<sdi>
Mar 18 20:49:39 osoikaze kernel: md: bind<sdg>

Indicating that mdmon was not stopped properly. (The array starts a
rebuild.) Checking /proc/mdstat confirms this.

Now this is the odd thing: `systemctl poweroff` works fine! It shuts
everything down, and turns my workstation off without corrupting the
RAID array!

So why does `systemctl reboot` not want to work? I'm a little confused.

I also noticed this in the USE flags for systemd:
- - sysv-utils                     : Install sysvinit compatibility
symlinks and manpages for init, telinit, halt, poweroff, reboot,
runlevel, and shutdown

Should I enable that USE flag?

(By the way, KDE shows the same behaviour. If I shutdown with the K
Menu, it works. Reboot from the K Menu hangs.)


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