On Tue, 14 Apr 2015 08:47:01 +0100
Neil Bothwick <n...@digimed.co.uk> wrote:

> On Mon, 13 Apr 2015 22:51:58 -0500, »Q« wrote:
> > > > How can I find out whether the profile is setting those
> > > > variables?    
> > > 
> > > By removing USE="-*".  At the moment it doesn't matter which
> > > profile you use or what it sets as you are then telling portage
> > > to ignore all its settings, even the critical ones.     
> > 
> > I'm getting conflicting info on this.  Do profiles really only set
> > USE flags or do they do something else as well?  (Or does USE="-*"
> > affect things *other* than USE?)  
> Things like PYTHON_TARGETS, X86_ABI and VIDEO_CARDS are implemented as
> USE variables, so yes, -* clobbers them too.


> A lot more complicated if you have to follow a mailing list just to
> keep your system working. You have essentially put your system into a
> firefighting mode where you have to deal with each change as it breaks
> things.

I'd be reading this list anyway.  The time I spend heading off
and/or dealing with breakage due to *- is negligible, certainly nothing
like being in constant firefighting mode.  I guess I've spent more time
in this thread, in which my system is neither broken nor in danger of
breaking, than I've spent on problems due to *- over the past five

I don't want to advocate for *-.  I don't recommend it to anybody.  I
don't particularly want to argue about how good/bad/ugly it is with
anybody, but it's it's tough not to argue when people are telling me
I'm causing myself problems and I'm not seeing any such problems.

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