James <wirel...@tampabay.rr.com> [15-08-01 04:28]:
>  <Meino.Cramer <at> gmx.de> writes:
> > on my tablet PC I used an Android App called "Linux deploy" 
> > to install an chroot-environment for - guess - Gentoo. :)
> > The tablet has a SDcard slot and recognizes any FAT32 formatted
> > SDcard automatically. Anything else will silently be ignored.
> > Furthermore Linux deploy uses a single file when it is
> > pointed to an external SDcard (with FAT32) which is mounted
> > via a loop device, formatted ext4, and then populated with 
> > the Gentoo Linux files.
> Hello Meino,
> I'm not sure tinhat will suit your needs.
> I'm not sure this will work, but if it does it might jubt be very
> cool and quick:
> http://opensource.dyc.edu/tinhat
> I'd be curious if anyone has uploaded such to an existing tablet
> computer.
> hth,
> James

Hi James,

Thank you for the link, James ! :)

But I am not in search of a totally different distribution...I am
looking for more space for my current one... :)

Best regards,

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