Neil Bothwick composed on 2015-08-08 18:02 (UTC+0100):

> On Sat, 8 Aug 2015 16:00:29 +0000 (UTC), Grant Edwards wrote:

>> Yep, I find it infuriating that by default all distros seem to go to
>> great effort to hide as much information about the boot/startup
>> process as possible.  WTF?  Do they think that stuff is top secret or
>> something?  Are they afraid they'll lose their jobs if that info gets
>> out?

> No, they think that the type of user they are trying to attract is likely
> to be scared off by all that cryptic text scrolling by. They are probably
> right.

> Gentoo doesn't hide it, it merely clears the screen once the boot has
> completed successfully.

Clear happens so quickly the messages may as well have never been there. I
get to see first maybe 4 or 5 if I don't blink at the wrong time.

> If the boot halts, you can see where and,
> usually, why it stopped. Try that with openUbundora.

I'm not sure Fedostemdtering hasn't incorporated noclear for tty1 by default.
I dislike Anaconda, so don't install it often, preferring to upgrade with
Yum->DNF. I just booted an F23 installation that didn't clear, but I can't
say that wasn't because I long ago reconfigured systemd.

openSUSE has been my distro of choice since before it was born, as SuSE 8.2.
Except for a period of transitioning from sysvinit to systemd[1], noclear has
been always its default for *getty on tty1. To actually have all the init
messages reach tty1 requires eliminating splash=silent and/or quiet from boot
stanza, but that's easy rote during its installer's bootloader configuration
step, and easily doable on the fly in Grub GFXboot if overlooked during

"The wise are known for their understanding, and pleasant
words are persuasive." Proverbs 16:21 (New Living Translation)

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!

Felix Miata  ***

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