Rich Freeman wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 10, 2015 at 12:10 PM, Dale <> wrote:
>> Peter Humphrey wrote:
>>> On Monday 10 August 2015 09:13:01 Dale wrote:
>>>> I might add, sync is taking a LONG time again.  Of course, my DSL is a
>>>> bit slower than some folks.  At least the bumpy road got smoothed out
>>>> tho.  It seems to be working again.   Maybe next sync will be back to
>>>> normal.
>>> I do one sync a day, of my LAN server, and sync anything else to that. I 
>>> don't
>>> know how long it took today because I have it on a cron job at night.   :-)
>> I usually sync about twice a week, sometimes three if I see something I
>> want or need.  I just run my desktop here so updating isn't a huge
>> deal.  Sometimes I forget because I'm busy with other things and I might
>> go a week or more without a single sync up.
>> When I used to run several rigs, I'd sync one rig and then sync the
>> others to my main rig.  I try not to sync to often.
> I couldn't tell you who I ripped this off of but my cron routine is:
> ionice -n 7 nice -n 20 emerge --sync              (alternatively
> emerge-webrsync -k - preferred actually if you're using rsync)
> ionice -n 7 nice -n 20 layman -S
> emerge -puDv --changed-use world | col -bx | mutt -s "world update"
> root@localhost
> eix-update
> Then I do this:
> #!/bin/sh
> LIST=$(mktemp);
> emerge -puD --changed-use --color=n --columns --quiet=y --with-bdeps=n
> world | awk '{print $2}' > ${LIST};
> for PACKAGE in $(cat ${LIST});
> do
>   printf "Building binary package for ${PACKAGE}... "
>   emerge -uN --quiet-build --quiet=y --buildpkgonly ${PACKAGE};
>   if [[ $? -eq 0 ]];
>   then
>     echo "ok";
>   else
>     echo "failed";
>   fi
> done
> That isn't optimally efficient, but works reasonably well.
> The result is that the next morning I have an email containing a list
> of the stuff to be merged, and a set of binary packages for most of it
> (deps of modified packages cannot be pre-built in this way of course).
> Then I just run an "emerge -uDNkv" world to install all of it, often
> in minutes.
> The script could be optimized - if libreoffice and chromium are on the
> list and I don't install them for a few days, suffice it to say that
> the heater won't be running as much those nights.

Well, I only have one rig right now.  May save this for when I build a
spare or something. 

Oh, I also ran across a link to this bug: 

It seems there is still a few kinks to work out.  ;-)


:-)  :-) 

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