On Sun, Aug 23, 2015 at 10:19:42PM -0400, Harry Putnam wrote:
> My gentoo OS is running on Openindiana (solaris) inside oracle's vbox.
> It's been left setting for at least 4-5 months maybe a couple more.
> After eix-sync, attempting an `emerge vuND world' comes up with so
> many blocks, use flag changes and a variety of other bad news in
> such proliferation... I'm thinking better to install from scratch with
> latest ISO.
> ,----
> | NOTE: The full mess can be viewed here:
> | 
> | zeus.jtan.com/~reader/vutxt/images/emerge_MassiveFailure-150823.txt
> `----

No, this really shouldn't be that bad. Look at the list of updates and
apply certain updates first. glibc and gcc should probably be updated
first, so just run:

    emerge -uDN1 glibc

Since gcc-config could not find gcc 4.7, it is marked as stable, and
emerge was not trying to install it, you must have a version hard-coded
in `/var/lib/portage/world`. For now, to upgrade gcc you can just grab
the newest version:

    emerge --oneshot gcc

>From then on, it should go relatively smoothly, since emerge was
handling all of the blockers.

> Can anyone advise me which iso to use?  And which profile to set for
> general use in a vbox, hopefully to allow a `no sweat' emerge to a
> full OS.

As Jc Garcia mentioned, Gentoo is not a `no sweat' distro.


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