On 26/08/2015 00:13, Harry Putnam wrote:
> Not doing too well with google on this...
> Can anyong direct me to a database for gentoo where one can find
> out which tools/files go with which pkg.

As far as I know, there's no such thing. On Ubuntu when you install
firefox, you get an exact list of files that is the same for everyone.
On Gentoo when you install firefox, the list of files you get depends on
USE and whether the dev did any tweaks to the ebuild today.

There's been some efforts at making such a database, for example
but that doesn't seem to work anymore. Maybe another project has picked
up the ball but I don't know of any.

This is not such a big problem as it might appear. If you are familiar
with the Gentoo base system it's usually obvious what package will give
you the file. The exception is basic utilities like cut and head and
tail. They are not tin their own package but in a big utility one, maybe
it's coreutils maybe it's util-linux. I avoid the problem by always
installing both :-)

Fo9r the rare case where you really can't figure it out, you can always
ask here for someone with the file to equery it and find where it came from.

Alan McKinnon

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