Neil Bothwick <neil <at>> writes:

> > Here, all of /etc/portage is root:root
> > The tree and all overlays are portage:portage

> Just to add some confusion to the mix


Good example and it got me thinking....

> So some are portage:portage, some are root:root - all use /var/portage
> for $PORTDIR so that's not an issue. One of the portage:portage ones is
> the one that syncs with the mirrors and acts as an rsync host for the
> others, this may or may not be significant.

I might swith to /var/portage on a new install. Whats the pedantic 
reasons for for it? On an SSD for speed ? tmpdir? I'm curious, so tell me more.

1. So 'the tree' (/usr/portage/) is portage:portage  OK.

2. and /etc/portages is root:root  except for distfiles (root:portage) OK.

3. and /var/lib/layman  and subdirs are  root:root  ???
Note, these are the overlays I use but do not hack on.

4. and /usr/local/portage is    james:james
this where I hack on codes that are mostly other overlays that
need enhancements or raw codes I am processing into ebuilds.

5. /usr/local/experimental is  james:james   
where I working on codes that can compile
install or be removed without the baggage of portage/ebuilds. It
will be for embedded and cluster/cloud/vm movements of binaries
to attach directly to the 4.x kernel, dynamically.
I'm working on a new build semantic with DAGs, Tup, ninja and CheckInstall

So I can ignore (5) in make.conf. But I'm now getting ebuilds installed
in /usr/local/portage, I think because of this line in my make.conf::

PORTDIR_OVERLAY="source /etc/portage/repos.conf/layman.conf"

For goals of 1-5 what are improvements (any and all suggestions) on
make.conf I should make?  I need to ensure that overlays that I do
not modify stay separate for the ebuild I modify. In fact some packages
are in both 3 and 4.  I use git to seed category 4 so what caveates
do I use to ensure that git only seeds categroy 4 packages (ebuilds)once
and does not contaminant my 'old school; vim' hackery.

I think this is the only change I need::
PORTDIR_OVERLAY="/usr/local/portage" ==>

Or does layman and git (syncs) know where to place things. I do use
'git clone' to seed category 4 packages-->ebuilds and will
eventually be use more of git's features to push out updates.

I just gotta get this straight, consistent and keep things seperate
in my mind, because being an old fart, reading lots of codes, sometimes
I forget the origins of hacks. (yea yea document the code you old hack)

All suggestions welcome.

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