On 17/09/2015 18:56, james wrote:
> Alan McKinnon <alan.mckinnon <at> gmail.com> writes:
>> On 17/09/2015 16:09, james wrote:
>>> Huh? You really should stay in  the E&M domain, for accuracy and not
>>> confusing the readers. 
>> I'm not familiar with the term "E&M"
> Aren't you an EE, amongst other talents? 

I started an engineering degree, but got waylaid in 2nd year mostly due
to failing chemistry in the 1st year :-)

What I am, qualification wise, is a Electronic (Radio) Technician. The
old way, soldering iron in hand doing component level repairs and none
of this modern nonsense of replacing entire boards at 60% the price of
the unit. I've fixed more PSUs of every type under the sun than I care
to remember, and it always annoyed the blazes out of me that I was the
only tech who understood what I was working on <sigh>.

Only one other person ever truly grokked me about ESR wrt electrolytics
and why dud caps almost always read correctly on capacitance meters.

But that was a very long time ago, I left that field 15 years ago. Now
I'm a sysadmin, some call me a BOFH :-)

> Electricity and Magnetism (E&M) 
> You know, what physicists call Fields and Waves....
> Surely you've met my friend Schroedinger?
> Electric fields; just for fun [1]

Yes, I recall Schroedinger, he had a very nice cat. Her spirit lives on
in the daft creature that meows round my kitchen. It must be the poison
gas from the vial, that stuff scrambles brains

>> For the rest, we seem to have diverged the plot somewhere.
>> We agree.
> Hey, I posted once about PS, and everybody had to pile_on (ok).
> The I posted again on a different sub_thread, try to avoid
> conflict. I know power, small signals, DSPs and quite a bit of
> Rf.......... Granted, my people skills, despite arduous effort,
> are weak, at best. That why I sit in a lab alone, and mostly
> contract, when something interests me...

You and I have similar problems. The computers and circuitry do what we
tell them do and the machines are predictable. People are ... not so
much. I'm now 50 and it's only in the last 5 years I've really started
to get a handle on it ;-)
> Cheers!
> ;-)

no worries, we're all good.

> [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schrödinger_field

Alan McKinnon

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