On 2015-09-18, J. Roeleveld <jo...@antarean.org> wrote:
> On Friday 18 September 2015 14:34:26 Grant Edwards wrote:

>> I like having separate screens because the window manager I use
>> (xfwm4) supports multiple virtual workspaces for each screen (4 per
>> screen by default).  I find it very useful to be able to flip one
>> screen to a different workspace while leaving the others unaffected.
>> That allows me, for example, to leave email and web-browser up on one
>> screen while switching the other two back and forth between multiple
>> tasks/projects. (I am rarely allowed to work uninterrupted for long
>> periods on a single task.)
>> Not being able to move windows between screens is an inconvenience,
>> but for me it's well worth it to get independently switchable virtual
>> workspaces on each screen.
> To "simulate" that, I occasionally set a window to be on all virtual 
> workspaces.

Yep, that's what I do when I only have a single monitor.

> Does that only work when you have the displays seperate like you do?

Yes, but I find I don't need it with multiple screens -- I just open
in a particular screen all things I would otherwise pin-down.

> As that would be convenient and is something I actually miss.

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! I'm receiving a coded
                                  at               message from EUBIE BLAKE!!

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